In the world of gaming, where digital downloads are as common as glitches in an early access title, Limited Run Games is throwing it back old school. That’s right, folks, dust off your shelves and make room next to your beanie baby collection because The Lara Croft Collection is getting a physical release that’s more packed than a hoarder’s attic.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Physical editions? What year is it, 1996?” But hold onto your fanny packs, dear readers, because this isn’t just any physical release. We’re talking a trapezoid-shaped box that screams ’90s nostalgia so loudly, your old dial-up modem might start screeching in harmony.

Starting May 10th, you can pre-order your very own copy of The Lara Croft Collection for the Nintendo Switch. And for those who’ve already converted their living rooms into makeshift shrines for gaming’s first lady of adventure, there’s the Collector’s Edition. It comes with all the trimmings: a SteelBookโ„ข that could double as a diary for your ‘Dear Lara’ entries, art prints that deserve a spot on your wall, and a CD soundtrack to set the mood while you’re exploring pixelated tombs.

But wait, there’s more! If you thought Lara was done with you, think again. Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is also getting the physical treatment, with more details coming faster than you can say “I don’t actually read the instruction booklet.”

So, mark your calendars for May 21st, when we’ll get the lowdown on what’s sure to be another treasure trove of collectibles. Until then, keep your whips, pistols, and witty one-liners at the ready, because Lara Croft is about to raid your wallet, and she’s not even sorry.

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