Brace yourselves, fellow gamers, because Ubisoft just pulled a rabbit out of its digital hat! The gaming giant, fresh off the exhilarating first-reveal of Assassin’s Creed Shadows (formerly known as Assassin’s Creed Red), has dropped another bombshell: a free update for one of this year’s most underrated games. And no, it’s not a subscription trap—this is the real deal!

Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Gets a Royal Boost

Remember Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown? That side-scrolling Metroidvania-like gem that revitalized our beloved action-adventure series? Well, Ubisoft just sprinkled some fairy dust on it and shouted, “Abracadabra!” The result? A major expansion that’ll make you dust off your old scimitar and leap across crumbling ruins like it’s 2008 all over again.

Boss Attack: A Royal Rumble

The update, aptly named Boss Attack, adds two new boss challenges to the game. Let’s break it down:

  1. Boss Revenge: Ever wanted to relive those epic battles? Now you can! Replay your favorite boss fights on any difficulty level. Whether you want to skewer sand demons or outwit palace guards, the choice is yours.
  2. Boss Rush Mode: Picture this: you’re facing all eight bosses back-to-back, adrenaline pumping, sweat dripping, and your inner warrior screaming, “Bring it on!” It’s like a Persian dance-off, but with more swords and fewer sequins.

Dress to Impress

But wait, there’s more! The update also unlocks two new costumes. And guess what? One of them is the iconic 2008 Prince Of Persia outfit. Yes, the one that screams “I’m here to parkour and look fabulous!” Beat the Boss Rush mode, and you’ll strut around in style.

Ubisoft’s Redemption Arc

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: Ubisoft’s recent pricing fiasco. We’ve all raised our eyebrows at the hefty tags on Assassin’s Creed Shadows and Star Wars Outlaws. But fear not, dear gamers! Ubisoft’s heart isn’t entirely made of gold coins. They’ve heard our cries, wiped away their digital tears, and gifted us this free update. It’s like they whispered, “Forgive us, fellow gamers, for we have sinned.”

Skull and Bones: A Sinking Ship?

Speaking of sins, let’s talk about Skull and Bones. Remember how Assassin’s Creed Black Flag sailed into our hearts like a swashbuckling hurricane? Well, Skull and Bones promised us pirate-infested waters, but it seems the ship hit an iceberg. After countless delays, it finally docked in 2024, only to find a deserted harbor.

Ubisoft, in a desperate bid to salvage their sinking vessel, released an eight-hour free trial for Skull and Bones. But alas, the seas remained eerily calm. Gamers, wary of parting with their doubloons (£69.99, to be precise), hesitated. Critics gave it a lukewarm nod, and users? Well, they awarded it a measly 3.0 on Metacritic. Ouch.

The Craving for AA Adventures

Helldivers 2 and Palworld taught us something vital: there’s an appetite for AA games. Not everything needs to be a blockbuster. Sometimes, we crave solid middle-ground experiences—the gaming equivalent of a cozy pub with decent ale. Ubisoft, take notes.

So, kudos to Ubisoft for the free Prince Of Persia update. It’s like finding a hidden treasure chest in the desert—unexpected, delightful, and full of nostalgic sand. As for Skull and Bones, maybe it needs a splash of rum and a compass reset. Or perhaps it’s time to summon Captain Jack Sparrow for a pep talk.

In the grand tapestry of gaming, Ubisoft’s moves are as unpredictable as a glitchy NPC. But hey, at least they’re keeping us guessing. So, fellow gamers, raise your controllers and toast to free updates, forgotten crowns, and the eternal quest for adventure. May your pixels be sharp, your loading screens brief, and your boss fights epic.

Scotty McG, signing off from the digital tavern.

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire. Any resemblance to actual events or game developers is purely coincidental. No pixels were harmed during its creation.

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