Ahoy, gamers and gamettes! Scotty McG here, your trusty guide through the tangled jungle of gaming news. Today’s headline? Well, grab your loot bags and fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to dive into the wild world of Crime Boss: Rockay City. And boy, do we have a tale for you.

Hot off the press and hotter than a dragon’s breath on a summer’s day, it seems yet another Epic Games Store exclusive is about to make a grand entrance onto the Steam stage. But hold onto your joysticks, folks, because this ain’t just any run-of-the-mill game. Oh no, this is an action-packed roguelike FPS that’s about to shake up your gaming world like a molotov cocktail at a tea party.

So, what’s the scoop? Well, our dear friends at 505 Games and InGame Studios have graciously announced that Crime Boss: Rockay City will be staging a daring heist onto Steam come June 18, 2024. And if that’s not enough to get your trigger fingers twitching, hold onto your hats because there’s more treasure to be had!

For a limited time after its grand debut, all you savvy gamers who snatch up Crime Boss: Rockay City on Steam will be treated to a veritable smorgasbord of DLC delights at no extra cost. That’s right, folks, you heard it here first. We’re talking about the Dragon’s Gold Cup, the Heavy Hitters Weapon Pack, the Tactical Weapon Pack, and the pièce de résistance, Cagnali’s Order, all bundled in like a gift-wrapped present from the gaming gods themselves.

But wait, there’s more! Picture this: Chuck Norris, Danny Trejo, and Michael Rooker walk into a game… No, it’s not the setup for a punchline; it’s the star-studded cast of Crime Boss: Rockay City! These action movie icons are ready to kick butt, take names, and leave a trail of pixelated destruction in their wake. With a lineup like that, you know you’re in for one heck of a ride.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the virtual room, shall we? Crime Boss: Rockay City’s original release back in March 2023 may not have set the world on fire, but hey, every diamond needs a bit of polishing, right? With its not-so-impressive Metascore of 51, some may have written it off as just another forgettable title in the vast sea of gaming mediocrity. But fear not, dear readers, for redemption is nigh!

As Crime Boss: Rockay City prepares to make its triumphant return on Steam, it’s poised to prove all the naysayers wrong and stake its claim as the ultimate co-op shooter experience. So, mark your calendars, set your reminders, and get ready to join the heist of a lifetime because Crime Boss: Rockay City is coming to a Steam library near you, and it’s ready to steal your heart faster than you can say “game on!”

And there you have it, folks, the latest and greatest from the ever-expanding world of gaming. Until next time, keep your controllers charged, your wits sharp, and your sense of adventure as vast as the digital frontier itself. This is Scotty McG, signing off with a wink, a grin, and a whole lot of pixels.

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