In a world where the word “rumor” is just “news” spelled incorrectly, we’ve got a juicy tidbit that’s hotter than a Bankai on a summer day. Word on the street (and by street, I mean the super-secret, totally-not-made-up gaming grapevine) is that a new Bleach game might be slashing its way onto the Nintendo Switch.

Now, before you get your shihakushō in a twist, let’s remember that this info comes from our dear friend Midori, who’s about as reliable as my grandma’s Wi-Fi connection. But hey, they’ve been right before, so who knows? Maybe they’re the Nostradamus of gaming leaks, or maybe they’re just throwing darts at a board of anime titles.

KLAB, the developer behind this potential port, is being as tight-lipped as a clam with lockjaw. But they did mention something about a “hybrid casual game” that’s supposed to be the perfect blend of easy-going and online mechanics. Sounds like they’re trying to make a game that’s as approachable as a puppy but as addictive as that one more episode before bed.

And let’s talk about Bleach: Brave Souls. It’s been around since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth (or, you know, 2016), and it’s already on every device known to humankind. So, the big question is, do we really need it on the Switch? I mean, I love playing the same game on seventeen different platforms as much as the next guy, but maybe it’s time for something new?

But hold onto your zanpakutō, because there’s more! Rumors are swirling about a game called “Bleach: Rebirth of Souls.” Now, with a name like that, it’s either a console game or a very intense laundry detergent. Details are as scarce as a Hollow’s heart, but we’re all hoping it’s not just another rehash. Because let’s face it, the only thing worse than old news is old news with a new price tag.

So, will the Switch be getting a little Bleach-y? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure, if this game does come out, I’ll be reviewing it faster than you can say “Getsuga Tenshō!” And if it doesn’t, well, I guess we’ll always have the rumors. They’re the gift that keeps on giving, after all.

Stay tuned, gamers. Scotty McG signing off with a wink and a nudge. Remember, in the gaming world, today’s rumors are tomorrow’s… well, probably just more rumors. But we love ’em anyway!

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