In a baffling turn of events, Fallout 4 players who snagged the game via PlayStation Plus are currently experiencing a digital conundrum. The much-anticipated next-gen update, which promises smoother graphics, faster load times, and a side of existential dread, seems to have taken a wrong turn at the post-apocalyptic junction.

Picture this: You’re a PS Plus subscriber, minding your own business, sipping your virtual Nuka-Cola, when suddenly, the news hits. “Fallout 4 next-gen update now available!” screams the headlines. You rub your eyes, wondering if you’ve accidentally wandered into a parallel universe where Pip-Boys double as espresso machines. But alas, it’s real. The update is here, and it’s supposed to be free. Supposed to be.

The Hitch: If you’re one of the lucky souls who nabbed Fallout 4 through PlayStation Plus, you’re in for a delightful surprise. The update? Not so much. Reports indicate that only those who own the game outright—like a proud Wasteland homeowner—get to download the next-gen goodness gratis. PS Plus subscribers? Well, they’re left staring at their Pip-Boys, contemplating life choices.

We reached out to Bethesda for clarification. Their official statement? “PS5 Upgrade should be available for you if you OWN Fallout 4 on the PSN account. Still looking into this for the PS+ users!” The deadpan delivery was so spot-on that we half-expected Todd Howard himself to pop up and say, “It just works.”

Twitter erupted like a freshly detonated Fat Man. PS Plus subscribers expressed their dismay, some even questioning the very fabric of reality. Here are a few gems:

  • @videotechuk_: “I’m confused. I already own Fallout 4, which was free via PS Plus years ago. But the new version isn’t being granted? It’s asking to pay.”
  • @khachatrianed: “Is it only me or Fallout 4 next-gen update can’t be downloaded if you got it through PS plus? I own the game from subscription but the store offers me to buy the PS5 version.”

In a twist worthy of an Onion headline, Fallout 4’s fate mirrors that of the satirical news outlet itself. Remember when The Onion changed hands more times than a hot potato at a Vault-Tec picnic? Well, it’s happened again. This time, an anonymous group called “Global Tetrahedron” (yes, you read that right) snatched up The Onion. Their mission? To keep the entire Onion staff intact in Chicago. Because nothing says “sharp satire” like a tetrahedron.

As we navigate this digital wasteland, let’s raise our irradiated coffee mugs to Fallout 4. May your load times be swift, your glitches be entertaining, and your existential dread be next-gen. And to PS Plus owners, fear not. Somewhere in the code, a glitched Brahmin is whispering, “It just works… maybe.”

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