In a surprising twist, the gaming world has been rocked by a scandal that could rival any Hollywood blockbuster. The beloved Tomb Raider franchise, known for its daring archaeologist protagonist, Lara Croft, has found itself entangled in a web of intrigue, censorship, and – dare I say it – eroticism.

The Missing Posters: A Steamy Mystery

Picture this: dimly lit corridors, ancient ruins, and a fearless adventurer with a penchant for uncovering secrets. Now add two sultry posters of Lara Croft striking provocative poses. These posters, originally featured in Tomb Raider 3, were mysteriously removed from the recent Tomb Raider I-III Remastered collection. The gaming community erupted like a dormant volcano, and the internet buzzed with outrage.

Aspyr’s Slip-Up: Accidental Censorship or Calculated Move?

Enter Aspyr, the game’s developer. They’ve been caught in the crossfire, accused of censorship. But fear not, dear readers, for Aspyr has stepped forward to address the scandal. In a statement that could rival Lara’s most cryptic riddles, they confessed: “Inadvertently removed.” Yes, you read that right. The posters vanished due to a cosmic hiccup, a glitch in the matrix, or perhaps a mischievous gremlin in the code.

Patch 3: The Great Poster Restoration

Hold onto your fedoras, because Patch 3 is on the horizon. Aspyr promises to resurrect these tantalizing textures. The HD version of Sleeping With The Fishes will once again feature Lara’s alluring gazes, her curves accentuated by pixelated perfection. But when will this patch descend upon us like an ancient artifact? The answer remains shrouded in mystery. Will it arrive sooner than a speedrun through a collapsing temple? Or will we wait, like Lara herself, suspended over a pit of spikes?

The Waiting Game: Will Aspyr Deliver?

Since its February launch, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered has seen two patches. The first was swift, like a well-aimed arrow hitting its mark. The second? Well, it sauntered in fashionably late, sipping digital champagne. Now, all eyes are on Aspyr. Will they sprint to the finish line, or will they take a leisurely stroll, stopping to admire the virtual scenery? Only time will tell.

Your Thoughts, Adventurers?

As we await Patch 3, let us ponder: Is Lara Croft’s sensuality an integral part of her character? Should we embrace her provocative side, or should she remain a stoic explorer, unswayed by earthly desires? And most importantly, are you thrilled that the posters are making a comeback? Share your thoughts, fellow tomb raiders, and remember: In the world of pixels and polygons, nothing stays buried forever.

Scotty McG is a digital archaeologist, uncovering hidden gems in the gaming universe. When not spelunking through lines of code, he enjoys long walks on the virtual beach and pixelated sunsets.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to real events or characters is coincidental. No gremlins were harmed during the writing process.

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