In a world where the only thing more radioactive than the wasteland is the pricing strategy of video game updates, Bethesda has dropped a bombshell that’s got gamers’ Pip-Boys beeping in distress. Yes, dear readers, the long-awaited next-gen update for Fallout 4 is finally here, and it’s about as free as a Super Mutant’s hug.

For those PS Plus Collection owners who thought they’d be cruising the Commonwealth with all the shiny new graphics at no extra cost, well, let’s just say the house always wins. And by the house, I mean Bethesda, who has confirmed that the update will indeed require a separate purchase. That’s right, folks, it seems the ‘free update’ caravan has been hijacked by raiders demanding a toll.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Scotty, surely this is just a minor caps investment for a major graphical overhaul?” To which I reply: “Have you seen the price of tea in Boston these days?” You’re looking at shelling out around £15 for the privilege of seeing the Glowing Sea in all its irradiated glory. And let’s not forget the timing – impeccable as always, Bethesda has chosen to announce this just as we were all getting comfortable in our vaults.

But fear not, my fellow wasteland wanderers, for there’s always a silver lining. Or in this case, a silver shroud. The update promises to bring a host of improvements that’ll make your post-apocalyptic adventures smoother than a Mister Handy’s jazz playlist. Just be prepared to part with a few more bottle caps than you might have expected.

So, strap on your power armor and get ready to explore the Commonwealth like never before – just don’t forget your wallet. After all, in the world of Fallout, everything has its price, even the things that were once free.

And remember, when life gives you radstorms, make radaway!

Scotty McG signing off with a wink and a nudge.

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